Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein!

Today is Albert Einstein’s Birthday

Einstein YoungDid you ever consider how great ideas come about? They probably don’t come to us by running around, being busy, and being consumed by noise.

Great ideas come from reflecting on the person you would like to becomeEinstein Older and figuring out how to use your particular knowledge to advance .






As we all know, Einstein had many great ideas and here are some quotes from him.





You can check out the following websites for more info about Einstein:


http://writersalmanac.org/ (scroll down after the poem)



What are your favorite Einstein quotes?

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Published by Cherrie Ali

I live in Miami and I enjoy writing, traveling, dogs, and geocaching.

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  1. I like these:
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”

    “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”


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