Circumnavigate (Haiku)


Day, night, hours pass MDBC2016

Events that make up the day

Revolve and evolve



Inspiration: 1960  US atomic sub USS Triton completes 1st submerged circumnavigation of the globe

May Day Blogging Challenge 2016
What is it?
A way to make sure my friend and I continue blogging in May because we need to be held accountable.

How does it work?

Using find an event from history for each day of the month and use that for an inspiration for our daily post. It can be anything from History, Music, Film & TV, Sports. And of course creative license is allowed- to tie back to the historical event in any way we find relevant.

What is the format?

It can be any length but should be fairly short. It can be a poem, story, an essay, a rant, and editorial, etc. Posts should be hashtagged #MDBC2016 on social media.

What happens if we don’t post?

Absolutely nothing, except we will be disappointed with ourselves and each of us is required to make the other feel bad if this occurs.

Published by Cherrie Ali

I live in Miami and I enjoy writing, traveling, dogs, and geocaching.

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